{{LangCode == 'zh-CN' ? '中兴企业软件许可协议' : 'ZTE enterprise software licensing agreement'}}
{{LangCode == 'zh-CN' ? '中兴通讯的政策是遵守包括中国,美国,欧盟, 以及其他相关司法管辖区在内的全球出口管制法律法规。除严格遵守此类法律法规的规定以外,您不得使用,销售,供应或以其它方式出口,再出口或转让中兴通讯的产品。通过购买或者使用中兴通讯的产品,您进一步确认您所购买或者使用的中兴通讯的产品不会被出口,再出口或直接或间接的被转移(1)至或者被使用于受美国全面经济制裁的国家或地区,或者  (2)至由中国,美国,欧盟或者其他相关政府机构所维护的受限方名单上所列的任何个人或实体(包括此类个人或实体的代表以及其拥有的任何实体)或者被以上个人和实体所使用;经过中兴通讯审查批准的例外。关于中兴通讯的出口管制合规政策的其它信息请参见https://www.zte.com.cn/china/about/citizenship/Legal-and-Compliance。' : "ZTE's policy is to comply with global export control laws and regulations, including those of China, the United States, the European Union, and other relevant jurisdictions. Except in strict compliance with such laws and regulations, you may not use, sell, supply or otherwise export, re-export or transfer ZTE products. By purchasing or using ZTE products, you further confirm that the ZTE products you purchase or use will not be exported, re-exported or transferred, directly or indirectly (1) to or used in countries subject to comprehensive U.S. economic sanctions or (2) to any person or entity listed on the Restricted Party List maintained by China, the United States, the European Union or other relevant government entities (including representatives of such individuals or entities and any entities owned by them) or used by the above individuals and entities; exceptions reviewed and approved by ZTE. Additional information on ZTE's export control compliance policy can be found in the https://www.zte.com.cn/china/about/citizenship/Legal-and-Compliance."}}